This webinar provides the knowledge on how to select an applicant, the impact a fellowship creates, and what it takes for a successful application.
Featuring 2019/20 fellowship recipient, Jenna Kirker of Confederation College, 2020/21 institutional mentor, Tom Meadus of NBCC, Danielle Lamothe, CCAE President & CEO, and Anne Menard & Scott Grant of TD Insurance Meloche Monnex.
To celebrate 25 years of TDIMM fellowships in Advancement CCAE and TD Insurance interviewed past fellowship recipients to find out where they are now and what impact their fellowship made. Here is the third interview featuring Zachary Robertson of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) (2020 TDIMM fellowship recipient) and Scott Grant of TD Insurance.
Featuring: Catherine Haba, Queen’s University & Jaya Dhillon, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Watch the 2022 TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Fellowship recipient presentations and learn about their experiences and journey over their fellowship year.
Celebrate 25 years of TD Insurance Meloche Monnex #Fellowships! This year CCAE is highlighting stories and key moments from the past 25 years. Check out this message from Catherine Décarie where she speaks to the history of the program and more:
To celebrate 25 years of TDIMM fellowships in Advancement CCAE and TD Insurance interviewed past fellowship recipients to find out where they are now and what impact their fellowship made. Here is the second interview featuring Susan MacCormack of Holland College Foundation and Alumni (2018 TDIMM fellowship recipient) and Scott Grant of TD Insurance.