#CCAE2024 Travel & Accommodations

Note: When planning your travel, CCAE recommends arriving in Newfoundland & Labrador between 12:00 to 2:00 pm (NST) on May 22nd if you are attending the full duration of the event.


CCAE has secured a 5% discount on flights through Air Canada. To access the discount enter in the code PAF9ZVD1. Note the code can only be used for travel from May 13 – June 2, 2024.


CCAE has secured three hotels for delegates to select from, see below and enjoy discounted room block rates:

Delta Hotels St. John’s Conference Centre
Stay where the action is, the Delta St. John’s is directly connected to the conference venue. CCAE has secured a limited number of rooms at the Delta Hotels St. John’s Conference Centre (120 New Gower Street St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador A1C 6K4). CCAE Conference Rates start at $214 + taxes (4% Tourism Market Levy and 15% HST).
Click here to make your reservation.
Reservation deadline: April 22, 2024

JAG Hotel
Just a 3 min walk to the St. John’s Conference Centre, CCAE has secured a limited number of rooms at the JAG Hotel (115 George St W, St. John’s, NL A1C 0B7). CCAE Conference Rates start at $189 + taxes (4% Tourism Market Levy and 15% HST).
Reserve rooms by either calling 709-738-1524 or emailing reservations@jaghotel.ca and referencing the CCAE group
Reservation deadline: April 20, 2024

Hilton Garden Inn St. John’s Newfoundland
Just a 3 min walk to the St. John’s Conference Centre, CCAE has secured a limited number of rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn St. John’s Newfoundland (150 New Gower Street St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador A1C0C1). CCAE Conference Rates start at $239 + taxes (4% Tourism Market Levy and 15% HST).
Click here to make your reservation.
Reservation deadline: April 5, 2024

We are living in strange times, and with the tourism industry re-bounding at great rates Hotel bookings are filling up a year in advance. Tourism Newfoundland (2024 National Conference) will not be able to guarantee hotel accommodations outside of the CCAE conference room blocks. If you are planning on making either conference into a longer stay BOOK YOUR HOTEL NOW.

Key Competencies for Responsible GenAI Use

This session discusses a competency framework developed at Kwantlen Polytechnic University for generative artificial intelligence use – not by computer scientists but, rather, by the rest of us. AVP, Academic, David Burns discusses some of the early challenges he saw in his corner of the institution and some of the ways in which the team he works with faced them.

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McGill Women Take the Lead: Inspiring Women’s Philanthropy in Annual Giving

This vital conversation focuses on inspired leadership from women philanthropists in an Annual Giving context. This session provides a case study on a volunteer-led fundraising initiative that raised $130,000 in 12 months from McGill alumnae, highlighting the roles of the Annual Giving, Alumni Relations and Communications teams in supporting the volunteers. This session also explores how such initiatives could be successful in other underrepresented donor constituencies.

To access this post, you must have a CCAE Membership.

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An AI Primer: plain language introduction to hot new tech

Like any new tech currently reaching the apogee of the Gartner Hype Cycle, AI in all its permutations is inescapable. But what is it, really, and how does it affect nonprofits? This session will provide a gentle, plain-language introduction to AI, dispel some myths, and provide a grounded approach to how nonprofits can use this tech to advance their missions while feeling confident in navigating this ever-changing space.

To access this post, you must have a CCAE Membership.

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